Editions Snoeck
Paris Musées
619 pages
32 x 25 cm
ISBN : 2879009251
Combas: an artist of a species so particular that no one knows how to name it, or how to define it. A painter, who is also a drawer, a sculptor, a tinkerer of objects, an inventor of assemblages and an occasional designer – none of these words are self-evident, starting with “painter”. One of the founders of the Figuration Libre, the precision is known – except that it would remain to specify in what this figuration is free and what kind of figuration it could be. And then? A primitive? A primitivist? Still it is necessary to agree on the meaning of the notion. And on some other terms frequently used about it, such as: caricature, art brut, narration, burlesque. It means that we have to proceed slowly, to resume the analysis without established certainties, to do as if we had never read anything written about him, to start again from the artworks, to begin from what can be seen.